NCSRC at a glance
- North Carolina Society for Respiratory Care (NCSRC) is a non-profit organization that supports and benefits the 5,169 Respiratory Care Practitioners of North Carolina.
- The NCSRC is a chartered affiliate of the American Association for Respiratory Care
- We have a Network of therapist throughout NC participating on an advocacy committee to keep up with state and governmental issues affecting respiratory care in North Carolina.
- Our members are involved in state and local activities in association with groups such as the American Lung Association and various other healthcare associations.
- The AARC (NCSRC as an affiliate) is sponsored by the American Thoracic Society, the American College of Chest Physicians, and the American Society of Anaesthesiologists.
- Board of Medical Advisors: A 3-member board of physician advisors represents the sponsoring organizations.
- Board of Directors: 12 members, including six officers, and 2 delegates meet four times yearly. The Board sets policy and makes business decisions for the Society.
- The Board is selected from 3 regions that were established in 1993 in order to bring a more equal representation from each part of the state. The NCSRC regions include the Western, Central and Eastern region. Members from each of these regions are encouraged to contact their representatives when they need assistance.
- The NCSRC also has 12 standing committees and eight special committees that are chaired by many members of the BOD, executive committee, and other volunteers across the state. They do the majority of the year to year work involved with the society business on a volunteer basis.
- House of Delegates: The NCSRC has two delegates that are sent to the AARC delegate meeting along with the other 49 Chartered Affiliates. They travel twice annually to meet with the other delegates. This group serves as the voice of the membership to bring concerns to a national forum and back to the local level.
- The AARC employs a director of government affairs and a director of state government affairs, both based in Washington, DC. The NCSRC Advocacy Committee members are in close daily contact with these individuals through e-mail, via fax and/or by phone.
Affiliate : North Carolina Society for Respiratory Care, Inc.
- Date of Chartered Affiliate Annual Meeting : September
- Does the above date change significantly from year to year?
If so, by how many weeks? : No
- Date(s) of Chartered Affiliate Seminars : N/A
- How often is your affiliate newsletter and/or journal published? : Quarterly
- How often and when does your editor(s) change? : Yearly
- Date the final Chartered Affiliate budget for the following fiscal year is available to the AARC : January of each year
- Corporate Status : Incorporated or Not Incorporated? : Incorporated
- Number and dates of Affiliate business meetings.
Number : 3-BOD 1-Annual
Dates: December – BOD
March – BOD
June – BOD
September – BOD
September – Annual Business
- Federal Income Tax Status : 501 C (3) or, 501 C (6)? : 501 C (6)