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Earn your BS degree: learn about opportunities here

Cabarrus College of Health Sciences

Entry-to-Practice Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy Program

The BSRT program at Cabarrus College is a 3 year accelerated program designed for students who are looking to enter the profession and does not require any background or previous experience. This program uses a mix on online and in-person coursework with small student to faculty ratios to provide individualized instruction. The curriculum is designed to provide a strong foundation in knowledge and competency in the practice of respiratory care and also prepare students to be future leaders within the field.

For additional information, please visit our website at Respiratory Therapy – Allied Health Programs | Cabarrus College of Health Sciences or reach out to the Program Chair at archana.sawant@cabarruscollege.edu

BSRT degree completion program at UNC Charlotte

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte now offers a BSRT degree completion program for registered respiratory therapists who hold an Associate’s degree in respiratory therapy from an accredited advanced-level program. All course work is offered through the Internet and can be completed in as little as two years.

UNC Charlotte

The BSRT program at UNC Charlotte accepts up to 64 hours of transferable credit from an accredited community college. To complete the BSRT program, students must take an additional 56 credit hours for a total of 120 credit hours required for graduation. Of the 56 credit hours, students are required to take 36 upper division respiratory program core credit hours and 6 elective credit hours. At least 30 of those 56 credit hours must be through course offerings at UNC Charlotte. In addition, approximately 12 credit hours will be granted for the RRT credential on completion of all course work.

The program concentrates on courses in administration, research and evaluation, and advanced critical care. The following courses are offered in the BSRT program:

RESP 3101: Professional Roles & Dimensions in Respiratory Therapy
RESP 3102: Outpatient Services in Respiratory Therapy
RESP 3103: Advanced Pharmacology in Respiratory Therapy
RESP 3104: Critical Care Pathophysiology
RESP 3105: Advanced Critical Care Monitoring
RESP 4101: Program Design, Implementation, and Outcomes Evaluation
RESP 4102: Program Administration
RESP 4103: Evidence-Based Practice
RESP 4104: Advanced Cardiopulmonary Physiology
NURN 4201: Information Technology: Applications in Health Care
RESP 3102: Practicum

For additional information about the program, the admission process and tuition, please visit our Distance Education website: http://www.distanceed.uncc.edu.

UNC Wilminton

UNC Wilmington’s Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy (BSRT) program will offer two ways to complete an undergraduate degree. One is designed for students who are pursuing an intial bachelor’s degree in respiratory therapy. The other is tailored to registered respiratory therapists (RRT) who would like to advance their careers and academic credentials. This degree advancement program is offered in an online accelerated program (OAP) format.

Explore more and learn from faculty with years of real-world experience!

Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy

RRT-Bachelor of Science

Pima Medical Institute’s Online BSRT program

The Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy (BSRT) degree is ideal for individuals who are looking for advancement in their careers. You can be prepared for the management track in your field or within the education industry, with opportunities to serve in roles such as clinical director, program director or instructor. Holding a bachelor’s degree in respiratory therapy may also help you position yourself for new leadership responsibilities as the health care industry changes and grows. At Pima Medical Institute, you will take courses in health care management, infectious disease, public health and more. And you will take all of your classes online allowing you to continue in your career while preparing for advancement.

Program requirements include:

  • High school transcript or evidence of satisfactory completion of GED
  • Currently a Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT)
  • Current employment in respiratory care or graduate of a respiratory program within the last five years
  • Transfer of 71 credits

Prima Medical Institure

40 N. Swan, STE 100
Tucson, AZ 85711
Phone: 800-477-7462
Website: http://pmi.edu/ProgramDetail/Bachelor-of-Science-in-Respiratory-Therapy

Calling all Therapists
Why should you earn your BS degree to advance your career?
See statement below:

A Tripartite Position Statement on Baccalaureate and Graduate
Respiratory Care Education

[The North Carolina Association of Respiratory Educators (NCARE), the North Carolina Respiratory Care Board (NCRCB) and the North Carolina Society for Respiratory Care (NCSRC)]

There are about 100,000 respiratory therapists in the United States and 3,400 in North Carolina. They work with patients of all ages and in many different care settings. In NC Respiratory therapists are nationally credentialed and state licensed members of the health care team that provide respiratory care for patients with heart and lung disorders. Most respiratory therapists, also known as respiratory care practitioners (RCP’s), work in hospitals where they perform intensive care procedures in the adult, pediatric and neonatal critical care units. They are typically a vital part of the hospital’s lifesaving response team that handles patient emergencies. Of the more than 7,000 hospitals in this country, about 5,700 have separate respiratory care departments.

In a recent statement released by the agencies representing the profession of Respiratory Care (American Association for Respiratory Care), program accreditation (Committee on Accreditation for Respiratory Care), and professional credentialing (National Board for Respiratory Care), the continued growth and advancement of the profession requires that every respiratory therapist demonstrate an advanced level of critical thinking, assessment and problem solving skills. These facilities are essential in today’s health care environment not only to improve the quality of care but also to reduce inappropriate care and thereby reduce costs. Respiratory therapists are expected to participate in the development, modification and evaluation of care plans, protocol administration, disease management and patient education. As a result of this need the AARC developed a white paper supporting the need for advanced training at a baccalaureate and graduate degree level. (See attached white paper)

Despite this need to develop the advanced qualities and skills needed for the respiratory care practitioner (RCP), there are no such programs offered in North Carolina beyond the associate degree level. Although the associate degree programs are the foundation for the profession and they do an outstanding job in providing the majority of the needed human resources for the field, there is an increasing need in the number of practitioners with advanced credentials and education in order to take on leadership roles within the profession. Such roles include research, education, management, as well as advanced clinical diagnostic skills. North Carolina RCP’s often enroll in distance learning programs outside of NC to obtain the advanced training needed for these skills.

Therefore in cooperation with the AARC, NBRC, and CoARC, we, the North Carolina Association of Respiratory Educators (NCARE), the North Carolina Respiratory Care Board (NCRCB) and the North Carolina Society for Respiratory Care (NCSRC) wish to support the advancement of respiratory care in North Carolina by supporting the development of baccalaureate level education in respiratory care, and to encourage respiratory therapists to pursue advanced levels of education. The non-traditional degree program suggested by NCARE would meet the needs of our flourishing profession without duplication of excellent resources and expenses. As a collective group, we are devoted to our professional growth and development through higher levels of education in order to improve the most important aspect of our profession-the patient.


Bill Croft, MS, RRT-NPS, RCP
Floyd Boyer, BS, RRT-RCP
Tammy Crump, PhD, RRT-RCP
June Beck, BS, RRT-RCP
Donna Neal, MS, RRT, RCP


AARC Website. “Development of Baccalaureate and Graduate Degrees in Respiratory Care”. A white paper from the AARC Steering Committee of the Coalition for Baccalaureate and Graduate Respiratory Therapy Education.