NCSRC March 7 Quarterly Mini-Session CRCE Registration and LINK (will be up soon)
Friday, March 7, 2025, from 9:00-12:00; NCSRC Board of Directors Meeting @ 1:00 pm
Microsoft Teams meeting and IN-PERSON options
Location information
- The Location for the meeting is in the College of Health and Human Services (CHHS), Room 109.
- Here is a map, I added the main points of interest for you all.
- Union Parking Deck
- Union Parking Deck
- Visitor parking on levels 4 & 6
- Skywalk to Student Union on level 4
- Easiest route to CHHS from parking deck
- Student Union Building, 69
- Exit level 1
- Dining available for breakfast/coffee
- CHHS, Building 63
See the Flyer